Preparing for a Trip with Your Pet: What to Bring

Preparing for a Trip with Your Pet: What to Bring

Traveling with your family can be a handful already, and adding your pet to the trip makes the preparation even more challenging. When bringing your pet canine or feline during your vacation, it is not enough that you prepare their pillows or their favorite toy. You also have to take care of their needs as well.

Surveys reveal that 78% of Americans travel with their pets each year. The travel industry has also adjusted to this growing trend of families taking their pets with them on vacation.

What To Bring When Traveling With Pets

Traveling with pets does not have to be that difficult. With proper preparation, you and your canine or feline pet will have the time of your lives in your destination country. PetPost has everything you need to ensure your pet’s maximum comfort when traveling.

So read on and be guided to make your trip comfortable and stress-free for your pet.

1. Bring Familiar Items

Like you, your pet may become jittery or stressed with the sudden change in surroundings. You can help calm them down by packing some of their usual toys, food, bedding, or litter box. It is highly recommended that you keep them accessible during the travel. You can organize them in packing boxes.

2. Emergency Kit

While hoping everything will go smoothly during your travel, you should also be ready for the worse. What if your pet gets sick or gets separated from you? That is why it is a great idea for you to have photos of your pet on your phone or a hard copy in your pocket or purse.

3. A Laundry Bag

If your pet has an accident during the trip, you can dispose of or throw away soiled linens on the laundry bag to keep the smell from getting everywhere.

4. Pet Supplies

Make sure that you bring your pet’s supplies, such as the following:

  • Leash and collar
  • Bottled water and portable water dish
  • Name tag
  • A ready supply of pet food, dish, and spoon
  • Shampoo
  • Harness for riding in the car
  • Brush
  • An old sheet or two for covering hotel furniture your pet may jump on
  • Animal treats
  • First aid kit

5. Carrier

Your pets, like small kids or toddlers, must be restrained during the ride. They cannot be hopping around in the vehicle while you are driving. Your pets can be a distraction if they get excited or scared. The carrier should be large enough for your pet to stand up, turn around, or lie down.

It should also have a waterproof bottom, adequate ventilation, secure, and should comply with IATA requirements.

6. Health Records

If you are traveling to another state or country, you may need to bring a health certificate to prove rabies vaccination. Bring them to a veterinarian for a checkup and have their vaccinations updated. You surely would not want your dog or cat to be left behind or your family to leave a day earlier or two just because your pet needs to undergo health protocols.

7. Leash and Collar

Make sure to bring a sturdy leash and collar. It should have an identification tag with the name, address, contact number, and proof of vaccination. You may also want to consider a permanent form of identification, like a pet microchip. This will help you locate your pet in case they get lost during your trip.

8. Pet Passport

Yes, your pets need a passport, too, depending on where you are going. In European countries, for instance, you may need to obtain one from an accredited veterinarian in any European country or other designated countries. It is worth noting that you will not be able to secure a pet passport in the United States.

Final Thoughts

It is always best to research pet travel requirements and policies in the country you plan to travel to along with your pet. You are going on a vacation to have fun, and ensuring the comfort and safety of your pets is one way of ensuring hassle-free travel.